Saturday, July 02, 2011

June 2011

Happy Father's Day Royce!
Learn more about Royce from his kids:

Dad is...36 years old (Duncan), 35 (Brynne), 18 (Maren)!
You taught me how to...paint (D), read my scriptures (M).
I want to...draw just like you (B), paint like you (D), play just like you (M)!
I love how you...are funny (B).
You love to...make songs; Your favorite band is...U2 (B).
You can play...the guitar and piano (B).
Your favorite drink is...Dr. Pepper; favorite food...ribs (B).
You like to tv (B).
You can fix...anything!  You use...your tools (B).
You love to...paint in your free time (B). 
You are...5 feet tall (D), 6 feet tall (B), really tall (M)!
It is funny when you...make jokes (D, M).
I think it's funny when you...sing "Families Are So Special" (B-a family joke!)
You are great at cooking....fried rice; it tastes REALLY good; you like to put....onions in it (B).
You work at...Freeman Peterson Dental Office; You...clean people's teeth (B).
You have car; I am allowed in the car; I am NOT allowed to...have muddy feet in the car (B).
If you were a Super Hero, you would be...Captain Humor Pants because you are funny! (B)


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